
I have created three websites in Squarespace.

These websites demonstrate how versatile web-based blogging tools and CMSs can be for small and medium-sized organisations, be they not-for-profit, community organisations or small businesses.

Gloriana chamber choir

Gloriana chamber choir is a Melbourne-based chamber choir known for its stirring performances of chamber choral music both early and contemporary.

The Website is simple, elegant and media rich. It does not use any complicated e-commerce plugins, instead using third-party website Trybooking to manage bookings.

The site averages about 700 views a month.

St Peter’s Eastern Hill Choir

St Peter’s Eastern Hill Choir is one of the oldest choirs in Melbourne, with records dating back to the 1850s.

To support its 2017 choir scholarship appeal St Peter’s requested that a simple Website be built that would show people how to donate to the appeal and showcase the choir’s upcoming concerts and repertoire for the year.

This Website was built in Squarespace and shows the elegant simplicity of Squarespace themes, which can be configured for businesses and community organisations alike.

St Peter’s Eastern Hill

St Peter’s Eastern Hill is one of the oldest Anglican Churches in Melbourne, and the oldest on its original site.

In 2019 I migrated the St Peter’s Website from its former html environment into Squarespace.

The transition into Squarespace has allowed the parish to enjoy a responsive, clean-looking and modern website.

This Website was built in Squarespace and shows the elegant simplicity of Squarespace themes, which can be configured for businesses and community organisations alike.